Links you may enjoy visiting
Feel free to click on any of these links:
Official EPA Facts about DEET - Not as safe as you think!
Read CNN's report on the return of the West Nile Virus here.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's West Nile virus home page and West Nile virus prevention page.
Click here to see if West Nile Virus has been found in your area.
Ticks: Different varieties and what to do about them, from the Illinois Dept. of Public Health.
Here is what the Long Island Neighborhood Network has to say about garlic being used as a mosquito repellent and some tips on mosquito prevention.
Click here to read the National Institute of Health's National Library of Medicine report that explains why mosquitoes cannot transmit AIDS.
The University of Alaska explains how all mosquito repellents work.
For more information on mosquitoes, please visit the American Mosquito Control Association by clicking here.