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America's Premier Mosquito Repellent For Grassy Areas; Yards, Parks, Athletic Fields and Golf Courses.

Just one spraying of all-natural, liquid garlic-based Mosquito Barrier will keep mosquitoes out of your yard and away from your home, 24 hours a day for nearly a month.

"Most mosquito bites happen in homeowners' own yards."

Mosquitoes can't tolerate garlic - that's why there are no mosquitoes in a garlic field!

Being used right now by City Governments for parks, golf courses and school grounds - because it works (read the testimonials).

Rated 5 Stars by users

The Culex quinquefasciatus mosquito.

The no-Chemical, no-Poison answer to your mosquito problem!

Mosquito Barrier is a very strong liquid garlic made from very potent garlic cloves. The garlic used in Mosquito Barrier is a very powerful variety which is much more potent than the garlic found in grocery stores (in fact, our lab people here refer to it as "super garlic"). Click here to see a scientific analysis of Mosquito Barrier. Garlic has a natural sulfur which repels mosquitoes. Spraying garlic to keep insects away is not something new, farmers and master gardeners have been doing it for many generations.

Since mosquitoes are soft-bodied insects the garlic juice can be very toxic to them in increased concentrations. The juice does not harm humans, pets or plants, but to mosquitoes it can be deadly. The odor of garlic chases them away for as long as they can detect the odor. The odor of sprayed garlic juice becomes undetectable to humans within minutes, but mosquitoes can detect odor as much as 10,000 times better than a human. So even though you can't smell the garlic, they can and they will stay away from the sprayed area for up to a month or longer. If the mosquitoes aren't in your yard, they can't get into your house.

Additionally, Mosquito Barrier, when mixed with canola oil (available at your local grocery store) plus the water, coats any standing water in the area with a very thin film of natural oil. This oil suffocates the mosquito larvae which can develop in standing water. Unlike harmful chemicals, Mosquito Barrier is a natural insect repellent that doesn't kill bees or butterflies and is completely safe for children, fish, birds, dogs, cats and other pets. Be careful of traditional chemical pesticides, they can kill more than mosquitoes. Read this to learn more.

Generally, four applications are enough for the entire mosquito season. Even in the heaviest of infestations the gallon size is almost always enough for the entire year for most homes - including areas where the mosquito is the state bird.

Mosquito Barrier is a three-pronged attack:

(1) It repels the adult mosquitoes for up to a month.

(2) The garlic coated plants keep mosquitoes out of the area.

(3) It suffocates any mosquito larvae in standing water, such as puddles, under decks, water in tin cans or depressions in lawn, etc.

Para ver este sitio en español, chasque aquí.

Quart-sized bottle of Mosquito Barrier

$30.85 per Quart
(plus $5.95 UPS Ground S&H)
Click to Order

Each quart covers 1.25 acres, which is usually enough for a couple applications on smaller residential properties. 99.3% pure garlic extract.

Twin-pack of Mosquito Barrier

$55.57 per Twin-Pak
(2 one quart bottles)
(plus $6.95 UPS Ground S&H)
Click to Order

Twin-paks last most city residences all season. 99.3% pure garlic extract.

Gallon bottle of Mosquito Barrier

$87.50 per Gallon
(price includes S&H)
Click to Order

Gallon sizes are best for homes on a half acre for the entire season. One gallon covers 5 acres.


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Select your state from the pull-down menu
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"...the product works remarkably well."
Dennis Johnson, Director of Health, Guilford Health Dept., Guilford, CT

"...I was shocked at its effectiveness."
Jeff Ritz, Mosquito Control Officer, City of Stratford, CT

"...I did use it, and it certainly does work."
Ron Couch, Editor, Fruit Gardener magazine

"The mosquitos were horrible but, I've got to tell you I haven't seen one since we sprayed.
This is the first year we have been able to come home, sit outside and barbecue."
Mrs. Iren Reisz, Arlington, VA

"We sprayed our park and it worked!"
Ron Holt, City Administrator, Marlow, OK

"...finally, something that works!"
Ben Burress, Valdosta, GA


Click here for Scientific Studies of Mosquito Barrier on Mosquito Larvae and Adult Mosquitoes.

For Dealer/Distributor pricing, click the CONTACT US button at the top of the page.

Mosquito Barrier

Mosquito Barrier has U.S. Patent No. 5733552 and Canadian Patent No. 2232763
and is proudly manufactured in the U.S.A. by:
Garlic Research Labs, Inc.
624 Ruberta Avenue
Glendale, CA 91201-2335
FAX 818-247-9828

If you're in Canada, you can purchase Mosquito Barrier directly from
our Canadian distributor by clicking here.

Customers in India can purchase Mosquito Barrier products directly from
our exclusive distributors in India by clicking here.

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